Programming links

Ralph Brown's Interrupt List: The greatest interrupt list on the Internet

The Hardware Book: Information about computer hardware - not only IBM PC

Sandpile: Information about 80x86 processors

SWAG: Pascal source code library and file format encyclopedia

Delphi Super Page: Delphi components etc. page

WOTSIT: A huge collection of file type descriptions

On-Line Computer Graphics Notes: Information about graphics programming

Steve's Computer Graphics Index: Information about graphics programming from Microsoft

Cubic Archive: Tons of useful information

Faqsys: Tons of useful information

MSDN Search: Search the MSDN (Microsoft Developer's Network)

X2 Support Group Game Development Archives:
  Tons of information about graphics programming, including DENTHOR's tutorials

The Bresenham Algorithm:
  Information about the Bresenham Algrithm (for drawing Antialiased lines); get BRESENHAM.PS

RSC: Resident Scientific Calculator - useful for every programmer who works with DOS; get RSC???.ZIP

HIEW: Hacker's View - viewer and editor for text, hex and code; get HIEW???.ZIP

Win32Dasm: 32 bit diassembler for Windows with many useful features

Regmon & Filemon: Registry & File Monitor - Log all reads and writes from and to registry & files

HlpReg: A Tool to include hlp files in the Delphi help (all Delphi versions)

GpProfile: A profiler for Delphi (all versions)

TPPATCH: Patches existing Turbo Pascal executables to run on newer CPUs

TPBUG: A replacement for the Turbo Pascal CRT unit to run on newer CPUs

Compressors for DOS executables:

   Diet, Lglz, Lzexe, Pklite, Rjcrush, Scrnch, Tinyprog, Tpack, Tron, Upx, Wwpack, Xpack

Compressors for Win32 executables:

   Aspack, Cexe, Epack, Neolite, Pecompact, Pepack, Petite, Pklite32, Shrinker, Upx, Wwpack32